
We believe culturally responsive education inspires and empowers Zuni people and all students to live the lives of their dreams.
A:shiwi Tribal College and Career Readiness Center is a unique, emerging tribal college located on the Zuni Pueblo Indian Reservation.
We are dedicated to honoring and supporting each individual student. We provide accredited academic programs based on Zuni and Indigenous values and coordinate our academic calendar with tribal and cultural ceremonial practices. Our leadership and staff are fully qualified to design and implement culturally supportive academic, career, and family based entrepreneurial programming.
Our strengths are excellent facilities, stable and effective leadership, an advisory council that assists with decision-making and provides the basis for a permanent Board of Trustees, stable operations, growing enrollments and services, growing budgets, and expanding support from the Zuni Tribal Council.
At A:shiwi Tribal College and Career Readiness Center we believe that providing education for our people is a sacred responsibility.

Creating the Life of Your Dreams
An Important Message from
Executive Director, Hayes A. Lewis

Ke:si, Ko don dewanan adeyaye?
Greetings to all; On behalf of the staff of A:shiwi Tribal College and Career Readiness Center I welcome you to another school year.
Our community and lives have drastically changed because of the COVID-19 pandemic that has engulfed our nation and communities. Many of our community members have become ill, many have tragically lost their lives and social movement has been restricted. Along with this, many of our children, youth and community members have been challenged as schools and educational programs have re-opened for the fall.
In spite of this, we encourage you to remain strong, resilient and mindful of your safety and the safety of your loved ones by practicing the COVID protocols of mask wearing, social distancing, hand washing and observing the protective safeguards established by the tribal council.
At A:shiwi College we are working to assure all students a safe and productive environment as well as coordinating with the Zuni School District administration and the Pueblo of Zuni to provide enhanced WIFI through the tribal Muralnet educational broadband network for those that do not have access to WIFI. This service is free and will require a special modem for reception of the signal. Through the generous and proactive support of the Governor and Council, we will be ordering more modems for distribution soon.
We continue forward as a community of relatives. Throughout this challenging time, our able staff will strive to support your personal and educational and professional development plans at the A:shiwi College & Career Readiness Center.
A:shiwi Philosophy of Education:
Yam de bena: dap haydoshna: akkya hon detsemak a:wannikwa da: hon de:tsemak a:ts’umme. Our language and ceremonies allow our people to maintain strength and knowledge.
The A:shiwi Philosophy of Education will be the essential elements of preparing students to develop indigenous and western teachings. The A:shiwi core values of hon i:yyuÅ‚ashik’yanna:wa (respect), hon delank’oha:willa:wa (kindness and empathy), hon i:yyayumoÅ‚a:wa (honesty and trustworthiness), and hon kohoÅ‚ lewuna:wediyahnan, wan hon kela i:tsemanna (think critically).
These A:shiwi Indigenous ways of knowing will allow learners to develop positive self-identity, respect, kindness, and critical thinking skills to achieve life goals successfully.
Hayes A. Lewis
Executive Director
News & Events
Short Term Contract Opportunity for Experienced Creative Artisans
We provide this notice of opportunity to community members skilled in the traditional arts and willing to share knowledge and skills with other community members.
Contact Hayes Lewis at hayes.lewis@ashiwi.org or
Tyrell Westika at tyrell.westika@ashiwi.org